
Edith – The Show is coming to Ljubljana

The show, which was inspired by the music and life of Edith Piaf, one of the most popular singers of the 1940s and 1950s, is also coming to Ljubljana. We are waiting for the revival of the legendary La Vie en Rose, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien and L'Hymne à l'amour.

Important information
Gallus hall, Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta 10, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
From 19 to 33 euros.

The ninety-minute show will offer legendary chansons and songs Edith Piaf in interpretation Jill Aigrot accompanied by piano, accordion, percussion and bass guitar. The play is divided into two parts and is based on the music and life of Edith Piaf.

The first part will take listeners to a colorful Parisian district Montmartre, and the second part is dedicated to the variety stage of Edith Piaf's career, in which most of her timeless compositions were created. Part of the performance is still unpublished images of the life of Edith Piaf, whose sad and raspy voice brought her eternal fame, singing songs of loneliness and despair. Among them, the most famous international hit is "La Vie en Rose“.

A few more words about Jil Aigrot, who will play a central role this evening. She encountered singing early in her childhood, and devoted herself mainly to the study of the art of French songs. After she accidentally met with Ginou Richer, Edith Piaf's confidante and assistant, Jil was chosen as the voice of the great Edith Piaf in Olivier Dahan's film “La Vie en Rose". Her performance impressed critics and viewers, Jil continued and released an album of interpretations of Edith Piaf's compositions entitled "The Words of Love“.

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