Smoking cigars is a kind of ritual in which all the senses participate. Because it encourages full awareness of the moment, some compare it to meditation. We know that meditation takes place in a comfortable position, when the body is completely relaxed. This kind of freedom of body and mind while smoking a cigar is offered by the El Purita recliner, which is made especially for cigar lovers.
El Purista it is armchair for cigar lovers, as it is adapted specifically for the enjoyment of this (mostly male) vice. The Chilean architect signed this elegant piece of furniture Rodrigo Gonzalez and a German lawyer Alexander Sauer. The value-added recliner not only offers immense comfort, but also hidden drawers, where you can store the cigars, where they are ashtray and room for a glass wine, cognac or whiskey, and the side part is intended for harvesting bottles or something else.
READ MORE: 10 most expensive cigars in the world
The El Purista armchair offers everything you need while smoking a cigar, when most of the time it stops. It's made from beech and walnut wood, and you also get footrest.
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