
Electronic music is supposed to influence how you manage money!

Electronic music is supposed to influence how you manage money!

We often hear that music helps to relax the body and mind. Israeli scientists have been working on the question of whether this also affects the making of important decisions related to money. They came to very interesting conclusions.

Research, the results of which were published in SSRN magazine in January this year, she dealt with the influence of music on investing money in fake coins.

It participated in the experiment 63 people. They had to listen to several calm and lively songs. Based on their reactions, the researchers came to the conclusion that they proved to be the most calming electronic mix by DJ Dedmau5 and a relaxing mix by a musician named Karunesh.

The participants were then classified into two groups. She was the first to listen electronically, and the other relaxing music. A team of scientists asked them to decide, how to act in two cases of investing.

The first asked them to choose between guaranteed but small profits, and high risk with high reward potential. In the second case, they had to allocate investment funds into three parts. Each of these offered two alternatives with 50% probability of double profit.

People who listened to the artist's music Deadmau5, performed well in both scenarios with less risky financial decisions. It is interesting that those who were of the opinion that there were, behaved more safely the music was disturbing.

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Where to invest money?

How can this be explained? Scientists are of the opinion that lively music strains our working memory, so we are not ready to accept high risk.

The team behind the project admitted that they had to face several limitations during the research. Participants did not have to choose music to your liking, so there is a question, how we would act, if you would listen to this. People are different from each other, so we perceive music in different ways. That's exactly why mistakenly thinking that listening to Deadmau5's music will make us all make rational decisions.

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