

When designing or searching for the appearance of an office chair, Jeff Weber and Bill Stumpf completely submitted to the form of healthy sitting; the appearance conditions the functionality. The point structure of the seat and backrest creates a dynamic surface on which our weight...

When designing or searching for the appearance of an office chair, Jeff Weber and Bill Stumpf completely submitted to the form of healthy sitting; the appearance conditions the functionality. The point structure of the seat and backrest creates a dynamic surface on which our weight is distributed evenly, which reduces stress on exposed muscles and the spine. In this case, the "living" backrest has additional merits, as its shape adapts to the spine even during movement in the chair. In almost all positions required by office work, the chair will help us maintain a good posture and protect the spine. Although the shape of the chair is "healthy", it does not mean that it loses its aesthetics. The back of the chair reveals all its technological perfection, as it is not hidden under the opaque fabric, which makes the chair one of the special ones in the office. The front side is covered by a soft fabric, durable and skin-friendly, despite the high summer temperatures.


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