
The emotional reaction of a man when he learns that he will become a father after 17 years of trying

A man learns that his wife is pregnant.

Dana Griffin-Graves decided to announce her pregnancy to her husband Arkell in a very special way. They have been trying to conceive children ever since their wedding 17 years ago. In the meantime, Dana spontaneously miscarried four times and gave birth to a stillborn child, so they were already on the verge of finally giving up. But then a miracle happened. Dana knew that her husband would react very emotionally to the news, but she did not imagine that he would shed tears of happiness. Believe me, you will too when you see his reaction.

Arkell and Dana Griffin-Graves tried unsuccessfully to conceive a child for many years 17 years. After an emotional roller coaster (miscarriage, dead baby) and after they almost threw a gun into the corn, Dana got pregnant. She surprised her husband with the news in an unspecified way. The message was hidden in the oven. In English, they also use the term for pregnancy "bun in the oven", which Dana took literally. She hid the first photo of the baby in it (picture from ultrasound)

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An emotional reaction Arkella, who says that he has never been so excited in his life, but not so much for himself, but for his wife, will bring you to tears. Dana is due in February, and he will wrap his son.

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