
An emotional recording of twins that the whole world is talking about is the best therapy!


An extremely emotional video of twins who still think they are in their mother's womb after birth has circulated online. The video was published by grandmother Sonia Rochel, who used the new bath technique "The Thalasso" on them, a kind of children's spa consisting of a small bathtub and shower for newborns, in which they get the feeling that they are still in the womb. A video you simply have to watch.

Bathing newborns sounds like a big challenge, especially for someone with no experience. But when you see the video of Paris nurses Sonia Rochel, you will realize that it can be one of the most relaxing experiences of your life. Therapeutic but it will not only be for you, but especially for the baby.

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It is a digging technique The Thalasso, which with relaxing music simulates the environment in the womb. The twins in the video, who remain incredibly connected despite their birth, are like that convinced that they have not yet given birth and that they are still in the womb. The video, which has already been viewed by over 37 million people on YouTube, will surely move you to tears.

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