
Envy: how to protect yourself from this toxic emotion

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Envy is a thousand times worse than hunger because it is spiritual hunger. - Miguel de Unamuno

These are toxic, negative emotions that make a person bitter and unhappy. It poisons his heart and soul. Such a person stops living his life, is blinded by negative emotions and interferes in the lives of other people. So many negative emotions grow in her that she loses her peace. He stops living because he constantly compares himself to others.

A stranger, not her life, becomes the center of her world.

Modern psychology notes that this negative emotion is caused by two tendencies:

  • wanting what you can't have and
  • constant comparison with others.

Envy is born from the desire for things that one does not have and wants to take from another due to a lack of empathy. Therefore, an envious person does not know how to put himself in the shoes of another, does not know how to be happy for him, nor does he know how to cultivate healthy relationships.

Beware of envious people, they hide even among friends. Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

Such a person experiences distress in himself when he learns that someone has defeated him. But if envy becomes a permanent emotion, it is reflected in a constant bad feeling and hatred or dislike for the person envied.

The writer Victor Hugo described the envious person as "an ungrateful person who hates the light that illuminates him".

An envious person, who is under the control of his feelings, burdens his neighbors with his anger, poisons relationships, and destroys himself physically and mentally.

And how can you protect yourself from them?

You need to understand that envy is his negative emotion and their problem, for which you are not responsible, but everyone is responsible for their own negative emotions.

Try to avoid people who are envious of you. Do not wish them ill, nor attack them, but go your way and do not look at them. It is important not to devote any energy to them, because what we focus our energy on gains strength and will return to you.

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