
Essena O'Neill: Emotional Confession From Social Media Star Who Had Enough of Fake Life!

Essena O'Neill has given up on the "dream" life of a social media star.

I'm the girl who had it all... I can't explain how much better life is without social media, without comparing to others, without counting likes, followers... These are the words of Essene O'Neill, 18-year-old celebrity and (former) addict with social networks, which, through addiction, also earned a lot of money. But all the money and almost a million followers on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube... made her empty. In the eyes of many, she lived a dream life, but she herself says that she has never felt so terrible. A video that will open your eyes wide!

Essena O'Neill it is 18 year old Australian, who had a much better "holiday job" than most of us. A living and growing up with social media and mountains of money left her only with a feeling of emptiness. They didn't help contracts with recognized brands (dresses, cosmetics) not a dream boy.

Essena O'Neill complained that she couldn't afford a real life.
Essena O'Neill complained that she couldn't afford a real life.

Overnight, she cut the umbilical cord and stopped appearing on the social networks she had been with all these years addicted like a chain smoker from a cigarette. As she admitted, she didn't even realize that for most of her teenage years she was addicted to social networks, social status, physical appearance, seeking approval... In the 17-minute long video, she poured out all her emotions, all her anger, and frankly confessed all her errors; how she built her self-image only on external appearance and more than 50 hours per week spent on social networks, where she sought self-affirmation in likes and comments. But as he says social networks are not a reflection of reality. Good morning, Essen! Now he feels free like never before and tells young people that they will see themselves in a completely new light once they stop comparing themselves to others.

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Essena O'Neill, however, now that her film has burst, she will not stand idly by and simply retreated into privacy, as she goes all out on social networks so that other young girls don't have to go through the same ordeal. That's why he doesn't completely withdraw from the public eye, with a website Let's be game changers she wants to oppose, as she says, the cult of social networks. The website is said to be dedicated to topics such as climate change and gender equality, and should distract attention from social networks and the pitfalls they bring.

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