
European cities that are most worth visiting in spring

Spring is not only a time when plants wake up, but also a time that is suitable for traveling around Europe. In addition to the capitals, there are many other cities that are undoubtedly worth visiting. Which European cities are the most worthwhile to visit in spring and why?

When you hear the word vacation, you probably think of summer first. But why not make a change this year and go hiking a little earlier?

Traveling in Europe in the spring months is a special experience. A combination pleasant weather, fewer tourists and significantly lower prices than in the summer season will help ensure that you will never forget the trip.

We present to you 7 European cities that are most worth visiting in spring.

Paris, France

Paris, France
Paris, France

There are many reasons why it is good to visit Paris in the spring. Let's just mention the many outdoor cafes, beautiful parks and city balconies decorated with fresh flowers. We recommend you to visit it May 18, when the annual event will take place Paris is the Nuit des Musee (translated as Night of Museums), which allows visitors to visit the best museums in the French capital for free.

Seville, Spain

Seville, Spain
Seville, Spain

The famous spring fair awaits you in Seville Feria de Abril. It will take place this year between May 4 and 11. The city will then come to life in full splendor, and you will get to know the Andalusian culture thoroughly with culinary specialties, dances and national costumes.

Munich, Germany

Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany

If you plan to visit Munich soon, we advise you to choose a date between April 25 and May 14. At that time, a festival will take place in the German city Frühlingsfest, which is considered a milder version of Oktoberfest. There will certainly be no shortage of food, music, entertainment, fireworks and, of course, beer at the event.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is indeed famous as a popular destination for beer lovers, but at the same time it offers much more. Czech version of Halloween called Walpurgis Night, takes place every year on April 30 and is based on the tradition of burning a statue of Morana, the Old Slavic goddess of death, winter and darkness. Czechs say goodbye to winter in this way, similar to Slovenians with Lent.

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy

The capital of our western neighbor is an excellent choice for those who want to get acquainted with Roman culture. Even if you are not a Christian, an Easter visit will be a city-state The Vatican, where the Pope will address the crowd of two million, a unique experience. Easter will be on the program this year April 21.

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary

The fact that Budapest is an excellent holiday destination throughout the year is indisputable. The spring festival attracts many visitors every year Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztival, which perfectly combines classical music with modern genres. Between April 5 and April 22 masters from different parts of the world will present themselves to the audience.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands

April in Slovenia is considered a very annoying month, full of precipitation. A completely different situation prevails in Amsterdam, which receives more rain in the summer months. First of all, we recommend that you go to the Dutch countryside to admire carpets of tulips. We must not forget about King's Day (April 27), which is known as a big street party in orange colors.

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