
European map of stereotypes

Stereotypes are deeply rooted in us, even though they often seem meaningless and pointless. Many times they are 'twisted from the vine', and sometimes they even hold a little. But are Montenegrins really a lazy nation? Are Gorenjci really stingy? Are the Germans really never late? Such stereotypes are usually a reflection of defensive perceptions of themselves and others, so they often do not 'drink water'. Or is it?

Yanko Tsvetkov, Bulgarian graphic designer, who now lives in Spain, designed European map of stereotypes, typical of a certain part of our continent.

In a book he meaningfully titled Atlas of Prejudice (Atlas of Prejudices), you can also find the author's division of Europe according to stereotypes among all the possible maps. A map called Tearing Europe apart (Dividing Europe), shows 20 different modes, how an old continent can be divided based on stereotypes. Maybe someone will be offended, someone else will laugh, and maybe someone will even think about it. Let's look at some of them.

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