
European Outdoor Film Tour 2017: European outdoor sports film festival

European Outdoor Film Tour 2017

The European Outdoor Film Tour 2017 will also stop in Slovenia this year. Between November 22 and 24, 2017, we will be able to watch the best short films about outdoor sports this season at the Komuna cinema, and on November 25, 2017, the screenings will also be repeated at the Maribox in Maribor. You can buy tickets online or at a reduced price in the Iglu Šport store.

Important information
Ljubljana and Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
9,00 €

For all lovers adventurous and outdoor extreme sports is also coming to Slovenia this year European Outdoor Film Tour 2017. We will be able to watch a variety of short films in Ljubljana honey November 22 and 24, 2017 in the Komuna cinema and in Maribor, November 25, 2017 in Maribox. It will be on display as part of the festival seven different movies. Ice Call follows a freestyle skier who sets out on France's largest glacier. Drug Out shows the expedition of Benjamin Sadd and James Trundle, exploring the mysterious Amazon with trees. Into Twin Galaxies is a film about an expedition to the north of Greenland. Choices is a portrait of climber Steph Davis, a law student who dropped out of school in her twenties and followed her heart to the heights. The Attitude of Gratitude shows the unusual life of Simone Mora (winter climber) and Tamara Lungero (touring skier). Follow the Fraser is a suspenseful story about discovering Canadian nature through mountain biking. The last movie Ushba and will take us on a freerider adventure through the Caucasus. Tickets for the festival are already on sale. You can watch the trailer in the video below.

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