
Every time you text him, you'll hurt yourself even more

Photo: Carlos Arribas / Pexels

You know it's bad for you. You know that you are stressed with every written word you send him and when you press the button - send. Because you know he probably won't even answer you.

Your heart pounds every time you hear the phone ring. The smile quickly disappears from your face when you see that it doesn't have his name written on it.

Why do you experience the same pain over and over again? Do you really believe that after being ignored for so long, he will suddenly decide to write you off?

Why are you texting him if you know he's going to ignore them? Why do you torture yourself and lie to yourself? Would she really go to his place to be with him for a few hours and then go back to wandering in the dark for a few months?

Every time you text him, you hurt yourself. You can tell yourself, well, it's just a message and it's not the end of the world if he ignores it. But you know you're lying to yourself. You know how much this simple message means to you.

You know you won't be able to focus on anything until he answers you. After five minutes, you'll be wondering if he's read it or if he doesn't have time. By the time ten minutes have passed, you'll be wondering if he's decided not to answer again. After 30 minutes, you'll start hating yourself for texting him.

You will become insecure. Thousands of questions will run through your mind. Say stop. Tell the messages to stop. You must not let people into your life who make you doubt your worth.

Don't wait for his messages. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

The next time you're tempted to text him, think about how his response (or lack of response) will affect you.

If he always ends conversations after two or three messages, making you feel like you've done something wrong, you shouldn't be wasting your time and energy on this person.

If he ignores your messages for several weeks in a row, forget about him, forget that he exists and delete his messages and phone number.

If he only gives you a few minutes of his time and then ignores you again, he is not worth your thoughts. Go ahead, don't look back.

Every time you text him, even though you know there's really no point in texting him - you're hurting yourself.

When you wait for his response, you only give him power over you.

Do yourself a favor and put the phone down. Delete his phone number. Or at least text someone who cares about you.

Wait for a man to whom you will mean the world, and who will answer every message, no matter how insignificant. Save these messages for him. He will appreciate them and put a smile back on your face.

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