
Everything you need to know about Facebook's new dating feature

Facebook announced four months ago that it would allow its users to use a new feature aimed at dating sites. It seems that we won't have to wait much longer for it, as the creators are already testing it in Colombia.

The dating service will work on the principle matches between different individuals. Nevertheless, we cannot call her a successor Tinder, as it is not based on scrolling to the left or right. Instead, it will offer you buttons 'I am interested in' and 'I'm not interested'.

Facebook wants their new app to help the development of long-term relationships. This will be possible based on getting to know each other various information about the person, which is hiding behind the photos.

Do you dream of a long-term relationship?
Do you dream of a long-term relationship?

Users of the Colombian version of Facebook are the first to be able to create their own on the social network dating profiles. The latter work separately from the user's main profile, from which the function automatically imports basic information about the person, such as age and name. More information (location, gender, sexual orientation, height, job...) must be completed manually.

Facebook's new dating feature.
Facebook's new dating feature.

Profiles can be enriched with max 9 photos and simple questions, with the help of which a person can present himself to the public in more detail. Facebook's algorithm will match the interests of those people who are the most distant from you 100 kilometers, found your potential partners.

Users will not be able to start a conversation with each other with a simple greeting, but will have to get to know each other through questions and answers. Otherwise, the messages will not be saved to Facebook Messenger, but in separate mailbox. Facebook has also made sure that matching with people on your list friends or blocked it won't be possible.

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