
That's exactly how long it takes you to make a new friend

We cannot imagine life without friends. Having someone who listens to problems and can give advice is invaluable. In any case, we should not trust our secrets to just anyone. So how long do you have to be with a person for your friendship to be considered genuine?

Professor Jeffrey Hall from the University of Kansas recently announced report your research, in which he studied the amount of time it takes for a person to make a new friend. He came to the conclusion that after 50 hours of socializing, an acquaintance turns into a friend, while with a 'real friend' you have to spend about 90 hours together.

What about a 'close friend'? One to whom we can reveal our problems, hardships and desires without risking anything. Each of your best friends must have been around you for at least 200 hours.

Do you spend enough time with your best friend?
Do you spend enough time with your best friend?

As part of the research, Hall conducted an online survey. In addition, he personally surveyed freshmen at the University of Kansas. He was interested in their view of friendship as a value. When people move from one life period to another, it is very likely that they will devote more time to new friends and forget about the old ones.

So who can you consider as your best friend? It is important not to force your partner to spend time with you. If you and your friend share similar interests and enjoy spending time with them over a drink or a meal, this is a sign that the friendship is worth building on.

Good friends know how to have fun.
Good friends know how to have fun.

Maintaining relationships is critical to a successful life. Although it is not mandatory to have as your best friend someone with whom you have been hanging out for at least 200 hours, it is definitely important to always have a person close to you who you can trust.

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