
Great advice from couples who have been through a lot and are still happy

This is great advice from couples who have been through a lot and are still happy. They will help you get through difficult times more easily.

When you decide to spend your whole life with someone, you often don't realize that there will be various problems on your way that you will have to overcome together. To make it easier for you, these tips can also help.

If you don't like something, say so

Don't talk to each other: "Do you remember how it was two years ago?" You still can't forget some event from the past, you always drag the memories to the plan, and it destroys your relationship. Talk about the problem, mention your worries, concerns, what was bothering you at the time. Discuss everything, no matter how insignificant it seems to you, because at the time it seemed important to you, but you kept silent. They solve the problem - and then leave it in the past because it only destroys the present! The situation they resolved belongs nowhere else but there.

Do things together

Have breakfast, run, take a bath... It's no secret that small daily rituals can help spice up even the most boring daily routine. They act as an emotional barometer that helps maintain mutual affection, respect. You will think about breakfast together, maybe even in a naughty way, before you fall asleep or you will plan a movie night while you are both absorbed in your responsibilities. Such small "anchors" of attention prevent relationships from burning out.

It's no secret that small daily rituals can help spice up even the most boring daily routine.
It's no secret that small daily rituals can help spice up even the most boring daily routine.

Be afraid to be who you are

Sometimes you don't want to show yourself to perfection because you're afraid that you won't be accepted, that you won't be loved anymore. Everyone has some small imperfections that they only indulge in when they are alone. For example, someone is embarrassed to sing in public and only does it at home while taking a shower. Someone is afraid to dance and only dances at home in the kitchen. We all fear that others will mistake our peculiarities for weaknesses and abnormalities. But those who respect and love each other deeply love each other precisely because of these imperfections.

Put yourself first

Healthy selfishness is a good thing. In toxic relationships, you will often hear "We went...", "Now we're watching..." and maybe even "We think that ...". When you start a relationship, you fall in love with a personality, that is don't lose yourself or him and your mutual affection somewhere along the way. They are still living their own lives. Shared hobbies are important for a healthy relationship, but you also need to live separately.

Give compliments

Compliment not only the appearance of the partner, but also his actions, thoughts. Forget the critics. There are so many other people around him who can point out his flaws. Don't be one of them. Be his support.

Compliment not only the appearance of the partner, but also his actions, thoughts.
Compliment not only the appearance of the partner, but also his actions, thoughts.

Allow your partner to think and act as they wish

Support and respect. These are the key points of every relationship, which are mentioned by psychologists and which many couples still forget. As a person, you have the right to be and do whatever you choose: from growing snails to playing with legos. Despite the negative opinion of others about what you are doing, your partner will support you.

They kiss when they meet and when they leave and whenever the opportunity arises

Kissing is very important for a relationship - supports your emotional connection. The first kiss is a test to find out if this person is right for you, and all subsequent kisses are supposed to prove that you were right. At the University of Oxford, they studied the role of kisses in a relationship. The research participants claimed that the level of satisfaction in a relationship is indicated by the number of kisses, not the amount of intercourse, which you might expect.

Express your emotions, feelings

Show your emotions, match your moments of positive as well as negative emotions. Talk about your fears, your desires and your love. A healthy level of emotional affection is a strength that helps you grow—both as a person and as a couple. By saying the sentence "I love you. I will help you. I understand. I'm sorry. Thank you. I appreciate everything you do. You are doing great" your relationship will grow stronger day by day. Be each other's support.

Kissing is very important for a relationship - it supports your emotional connection.
Kissing is very important for a relationship - it supports your emotional connection.

Touch each other

Hug when you meet, hold hands at the cinema, on a walk, kiss when you wake up, massage after a hard day at work - touch provides a sense of security and trust. Our soul lives in our bodies, if we touch our partner's body, we touch his soul. This is how we show our love to him.

Be grateful

You can easily say "thank you" to a passer-by who opens the door for you, a shopkeeper or a stranger on the road. At home, thank your partner for bringing you a cup of tea, for doing this or that? Too often you forget. You easily get used to good behavior and take it for granted. Gratitude is the basis of every good relationship. You can easily check this. Write a list of things you want to thank your partner for. Read what you wrote and you will feel an immense connection and love for him.

Be realistic about your partner

You don't live in illusions. Get to know and accept each other, even the changes over the years. You are different from him and he is different from you. Accept this. A relationship is always between two people, nothing more and nothing less. Considering the contradictions that arise on your path, it is important that you meet halfway, to solve the problems that have arisen on the fly.

Get to know and accept each other, even the changes over the years.
Get to know and accept each other, even the changes over the years.

Remember, love is the imperfect perfection of two souls. You and her. She and you. The two of you.

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