
The excuses you'll hear when he doesn't want a serious relationship with you

Photo: IG authenticlovemag

Be careful, these are excuses that clearly show that there will be no bread from this flour!

The most difficult thing in getting to know and establishing communication is recognizing the other person's intentions. Because of your own feelings and expectations, you can misinterpret what the interlocutor is signaling, or consciously ignore what he is clearly communicating to you, preferring false hopes and illusions. When someone doesn't want a relationship or doesn't want to be with you, they let you know, mostly by keeping (emotional) distance and offering various reasons and excuses. These are the most common.

"It's not the right time."

It's probably a sincere message saying that you don't match his "timeline". He may have recently gotten out of a relationship that hurt and disappointed him, he may have decided not to get emotionally involved until he gets some things in order in his life first, he may be open to adventure but not a relationship and you he wants to inform, he tries to be honest and gives you hints about his situation, without details. If you take it as a challenge, if you get carried away by its inaccessibility and "mystery", you will get caught up in your own story and you will surely end up hurt and disappointed. You can ask him when he thinks the time will be right and if he wants to try with you after that to see what kind of response you get. You can wait, but you will be waiting for a long time. In the end, life and emotions don't go according to any plan - if he really liked you, he would have thought it was the right time.

"I don't want to lose what we have."

If you're already in a relationship, a change that takes the relationship to the next level can cause you to fear that everything will go wrong. Men generally say they're happy with where the relationship is - maybe it's a friendship (with or without benefits) or a relationship where you only see each other on the weekends and each actually has their own life - and that's fine with them. He doesn't want you to start seeing each other more intensively, define your relationship or start living together. You are not satisfied with what you have and want something more, but a man who is satisfied and does not want to change anything tries to set a limit by giving you the reason that he does not want to lose what you have. He's not afraid of losing everything he might have, because he doesn't really want to.

"I don't want a serious relationship right now."

And that's probably true enough, although the whole sentence would be more accurate if it read "I don't want a serious relationship with you." You know, when you break up with a man who wasn't ready for a serious relationship, it often happens that after a few months you find out that he got married. He met a girl who didn't put limits on him or offer excuses, something happened that just overwhelmed him and destroyed his attempts to keep things under control. You can ignore his attitude towards a serious relationship and focus on "the moment" and cling to the belief that the moment will pass and your five minutes will come. But in the end, you will be exhausted and you will have to accept that he wants an informal relationship with you, from which he can get out without regret (because he warned you) and that there is no future.

"I'm too busy."

That's a stupid excuse. We are all too busy. Maybe you fantasize about love all day and wait for a text to arrive or the phone to ring? Okay, maybe you do that too, but only in those moments when you're not doing anything else. When you are focused on work, you need to come down from the clouds and give your full attention to what you are doing. Everyone is busy, but everyone finds time and space for the people they care about, for content that relaxes and inspires. You can immediately interpret this excuse as a clear message that he doesn't have time for you, because he doesn't want to take that time and he doesn't care.

"I don't want to hurt you."

He definitely doesn't want to, but as soon as he says it, he'll do just that—he's too nice to rudely reject you, likes you enough to enjoy you the way he wants, and not enough to give you his heart. It's convenient for him to have someone, but he also doesn't want to feel like he's taking advantage of your feelings and your trust. When a man says this, it means that he doesn't want to come across as a bastard, but he is fully prepared to become one. He doesn't want to hurt you, but if he has nowhere to go and if you hope and keep him even though he warned you, he will hurt you.

Don't lie to yourself, everything is clear as day.

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