
Photo exhibition: Sebastião Salgado – Genesis

An iceberg between Paulet Island and the South Shetland Islands in the Weddell Sea. Antarctic Peninsula. / Antarctic Peninsula. 2005. ©Sebastião Salgado. Amazonas Images.

Sebastião Salgado is currently one of the most respected and sought-after living photographers in the world. His exhibition Genesis is one of the central cultural projects within the European Green Capital. The exhibition Sebastião Salgado – Genesis will be on view from May 31 to August 31, 2016.

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Museum and galleries of the city of Ljubljana
Entrance fee
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Sebastião Salgado – Genesis is a project that has been in the making for eight years and covers all continents and the farthest corners of the world. It is the photographer's personal response to the visible sorrows of humanity, which he recorded as a world traveler and photojournalist over the decades of his career so far. With a photo series The Workers (1993), in which he explored the unrelenting conditions of work performed by men and women around the world, and Migrations (2000), which thematize migrations of peoples and man's struggle for survival due to the consequences of war and drought, as well as with many other photojournalistic excesses, Salgado made his mark in the world history of photography.

Members of the Waura people from the upper reaches of the Xingu River in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso are fishing in Lake Piulaga not far from their home village. An ethnically diverse population lives along the upper reaches of the Xingu River. Brazil. 2005. ©Sebastião Salgado. Amazonas Images.
Members of the Waura people from the upper reaches of the Xingu River in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso are fishing in Lake Piulaga not far from their home village. An ethnically diverse population lives along the upper reaches of the Xingu River. Brazil. 2005. ©Sebastião Salgado. Amazonas Images.

When creating Genesis from year In 2004, the author focused on much more harmonious images of unspoiled nature, wild life, landscapes and indigenous peoples. He documented during his travels around the world arctic and desert landscapestropical rain forestmarine and other wild life and peoples who still live according to their ancient traditions. The exhibition is divided into cycles five geographic regions: Sanctuaries of the Earth, the Southern Planet, Africa, the Amazon, the Pantanal and the Northern Regions. The photographs bring not only an unforgettable visual impression, but also a call to awareness of the pressing issue of global warming and climate change on our planet. READ MORE: Cellofest Ljubljana 2016MGML (Museums and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana) the exhibition will be spatially adapted to the presentation in two locations, in Gallery Jakopič and in Ljubljana City Museum. Thus, it will be possible to view all 245 large-format black-and-white photos.

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