
Experience the handicraft traditions of the holiday country of Germany


Photo: © DZT/ Julia Nimke

Preserved traditions, living customs and centuries-old handicrafts leave an indelible mark on German cities and regions.

In the campaign German.Local.Culture. we are revealing to travelers where they can find these special experiences as soon as tourist trips from abroad are possible again.

Neunburg vorm Wald, Timm Buckley makes wooden masks in his own workshop © www.bayern.by/ Bernhard Huber.

Historical Fashion: Regional Costumes

The diversity of landscapes in Germany also manifests itself in regional costumes, which bear witness to rich centuries-old traditions. Handmade lederhosen and dirndl in Bavaria, for example, they still play an important role in the daily life of many people; likewise in Lusatia or the Spreewald, where the community of Lusatian Serbs also shows its cultural identity through Lusatian costumes. A special experience for travelers is the traditional handmade production of regional costumes - for example in a hat shop in the Black Forest, where unique bollenhut, which is a popular motif in photographs.

Wolfach, Waltraud Kech – “Bollenhut” hat maker © Schwarzwald Tourismus/ Chris Keller

Unusual designer items

Young designers working under the label "made in Germany", they take inspiration from local culture. This is the case, for example, in Weimar, where artists anew more than a hundred years after the founding of the Bauhaus they interpret typical motifs of this world-renowned design school. Or in Berlin, where trendy shops display and sell products that follow principles of upcycling (recycling with value addition). Anyone looking for unusual and beautiful things will also find them on to the Stijl design fair, which takes place in several cities. Artists sell clothing, jewelry and accessories there – mostly in sustainably produced small batches.

Fashion designer from Weimer © DZT/ Julia Nimke

Traditional: when bread baking becomes an art

Bread is more than just food for Germans. German baking art is from around 3,200 types of bread part of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, but in German we know almost five hundred proverbs, in which bread appears. Family businesses in all German regions have been cultivating this tradition for several generations - with great love for craftsmanship and awareness of the importance of high-quality ingredients and a longer production process. That German bread can be too food for gourmets, proves the educational program for bread sommelier, with which more and more bakers deepen their expertise.

Baking bread in the Walsrode bakery © DZT/ Julia Nimke

Ideas for traveling in Germany

16 regional tourism organizations invite you to experience the handicraft traditions of the holiday region of Germany.


Cuckoo clocks worldwide, they are considered one of the most famous German souvenirs.


To the designer and goldsmith To Florian Weidlich from Riedering near Rosenheim, inspiration gives a sense of home.


As a city that dictates trends, it has Berlin many shops that focus on upcycling. Whether it's fashion, furniture or everyday objects - upcycling is sustainable and inspiring.


Fashion from Spreewald: Sarah Gwiszcz created her brand there in 2014 Wurlawy, which could roughly be translated from Lusia Serbian as "wild women of the Spreewald". Her fashion is spontaneous and unforced, combining modern trends with traditional Lusatian costume elements.


Boutique UNION coffee roaster and brewery it is also possible to get to know them more closely. You can take part in guided tours and seminars about beer and coffee.


In the museum Speicherstadt typical tools and imported goods are on display, offering a better insight into the work of local residents - more specifically, warehouse owners. From the weighing and sampling of goods to their refinement with sorting machines and manual sorting - it quickly becomes clear how carefully high-quality imported goods such as coffee, cocoa, tobacco and rubber were handled in the past.

The joy of baking bread in Walsrode © DZT/ Julia Nimke


When Horst Pfetzing, one of the last master basket makers, in the small village of Alheim-Sterkelshausen twists and weaves willow branches and weaves them into real works of art, just watching him at work is pure meditation.


The famous German beach basket Beachcart – a recognizable element of German coasts that you cannot ignore – combines practical advantages with traditional craftsmanship.

Lower Saxony

When visiting the distillery Hardenberg Distillery in Nörten-Hardenberg near Göttingen you will experience first-hand how tradition, innovation and regionality come together in noble spirits.

North Rhine-Westphalia

Mustard mill in Monschau with owner Ruth Breuer.


Craftsmanship and aesthetics meet in ceramics. Westerwald Museum of Ceramics in Höhr-Grenzhausen invites you to explore on your own, but guided tours are also available.

They're messing around

Work in the forest: Lothar Wilhelm will greet you in the forest clearing in Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, where you will be able to make a piece of furniture yourself from locally cut wood.


A world of experiences HAUS MEISSEN®: the oldest European porcelain workshop in the oldest Saxon city. The crossed swords from the coat of arms are the oldest continuously used trademarks in the world!


Glass factory HARZCRYSTAL in Derenburg combines adventure experiences, relaxation, entertainment and culinary delights in one place.


City Plön in the middle of Holstein Switzerland, boasting a beautiful castle by the lake, you will be charmed on a walk around the city or on one of the cycling or hiking tours. If you are more creative, you can take a course in mosaic art.


Walls a meter thick Leuchtenburg Castle Spectacularly furnished rooms, the world's largest vase and the smallest teapot, a unique porcelain church and a wish bridge on which "shards bring luck" await you!

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