
Experts discover: Wrinkles on the forehead are not necessarily related to age!

Photo: envato

Are forehead wrinkles bothering you? Did they appear suddenly? Wrinkles on the forehead often have nothing to do with age, so learn how to get rid of them in no time.

In one study, researchers confirmed that people with deep forehead wrinkles have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. They followed men and women between the ages of 30 and 60 for 20 years and found that people who did not have deep wrinkles or those wrinkles were minimal had a lower risk of diseases of the blood system. Those with deep wrinkles have a tenfold increased risk. They explain that the cause may be the fact that fat has accumulated in the blood vessels of the head, which has caused deep wrinkles.


In addition, experts point out that deep wrinkles are often a reflection of lifestyle, such as stress, unhealthy food and other factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. But, depending on the period of your life you are in, deep wrinkles can be a reflection of different problems.

If you are in your twenties and thirties

Research has shown that stress can cause wrinkles. The result can be acne, as well as the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead. You will solve the problem if you try to calm down and introduce meditation into your daily life. In addition, pay more attention to daily skin care and moisturizing.


If you are in your thirties and forties

Treat yourself to a light chemical peel. Dead skin cells can build up and darken the skin around wrinkles, further emphasizing them. In addition, a night cream should definitely be added to the beauty ritual so that the skin absorbs enough moisture and nutrients. Drink as much water as you can every day. This will help the skin regain its elasticity and reduce wrinkles. It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day.


If you are over 50 years old

Skin in its forties and fifties produces less serum and is under-hydrated, which means it is susceptible to stress. Hormonal changes also occur, which affect the physical and mental aspects equally.
During this period of life, it is desirable to eat more foods that contain antioxidants, and in addition, treat yourself to a stronger moisturizing cream and add collagen to your diet.


If you are over 60 years old

During this period of life, you should see a cardiologist more often to make sure that everything is in order. Cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by changing lifestyle habits, so it is not too late for a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, blood pressure control and other factors.

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