
Experts explain why you should hug a cow

Photo: envato

Yes, you heard right, according to the latest methods, we should all hug a cow, because these sensual domestic animals can greatly improve our health.

Hugging a cow or cuddling this magnificent animal is not just a new experience that will attract many strange looks. It is a therapeutic practice recommended by Katherine Compitus, a professor at the NYU Silver School of Social Work, in an article published on Psychology Today.

'Hug the cow' is a trend that has been slowly gaining popularity over the past few years. It offers a unique and therapeutic experience that combines the joy of interacting with animals with the benefits of mindfulness and stress relief. This type of therapy involves spending time with cows, often lying next to them, petting them and enjoying their company. Originating in rural areas in Europe, especially the Netherlands, this practice has spread to various parts of the world, including the United States.

Photo: envato

The practice of stroking and cuddling cows is said to have roots in Dutch rural culture. Dutch farmers are said to have recognized the soothing nature of cows decades ago. These are said to have a very calming effect on people with their calm demeanor and slow, deliberate movements. Over time, this observation turned into a more formal practice as farm owners began offering visitors to pet the cows.

This practice is also gaining popularity in other parts of the world, as it is said to offer a unique blend of emotional and psychological benefits. It should even play an important role in reducing stress. When a person touches, caresses or even lies next to these peaceful animals, the body responds by releasing oxytocin, the happy hormone that reduces our feelings of stress. This hormone release not only alleviates current stress, but also promotes general well-being.

Photo: envato

In addition, the slow, deliberate movements and calm demeanor of cows encourage our mindfulness. Being in their presence allows individuals to anchor themselves in the present moment and let go of the distractions and worries of everyday life. In addition, these gentle living beings, with their presence and non-judgment, offer a unique form of emotional support to individuals dealing with emotional trauma.

What else is important if you want to hug a cow?

To begin with, you need to find a suitable sanctuary that offers therapy and unique interaction with cows. It is important to choose a farm that treats animals well. Maintaining the animal's well-being while cuddling the cows is crucial. It starts with choosing shelters that prioritize the health and comfort of their cows. When we find a suitable location, it is important to properly prepare for the visit. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes and sturdy boots.

Photo: envato

Visitors must follow all guidelines established by the shelter for the safety and well-being of both animals and guests. During the interaction, it is important to approach the cows gently and respectfully and avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could frighten them. The staff will guide you on how to safely interact with the cows. These interactions can vary from simply sitting or lying next to the cows to gently petting or just quietly watching.


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