
Experts reveal why sitting on the floor can make you live longer

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered how much time you spent sitting on the floor as a child? And how often do you do it now? Do you ever sit on the floor at all? Longevity experts are of the opinion that sitting on the floor can extend our lives.

When we grow up, we do our homework on the floor we play, and sometimes we even eat. But with age we lose this spontaneity, mainly due to joint stiffness. However, experts argue that people who live in communities where it is sitting on the floor part of the culture, they live longer and can even live to be over 100 years old. Is this just a coincidence? They think not.

The falls are one of the leading causes of death among older people. If you're over 65, you have a one in four chance of falling, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Children spend a lot of time on the floor. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

After falling, the chances of falling again are doubled. In addition, hip injury in people over 65 increases mortality, not necessarily from falls, but from related diseases.

How to avoid this statistic? The solution is to sit on the floor!

Focus on maintaining muscle mass.

Low muscle mass is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline, insulin resistance and high levels of inflammatory markers. While there are various exercises you can do to strengthen your muscles and joint supplements to support mobility, just everyday habits can make a big difference to your fitness.

As experts say, when you sit on the floor, you should get up and sit down on the floor at least 30 times a day. This actually trains balance and lower body strength. This does not mean that you have to remove all the furniture from your home.

Let sitting bring you health. Photo: Imani Bahati / Unsplash

People in Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula spend a lot of time on the ground. "When they're in the garden, they're on their knees, they're bending over, they're using the same types of muscles that we never use when we're sitting in our offices, watching TV..."

Incorporate movements that develop lower body strength into your daily life. Even if you don't exercise regularly, it will help strengthen key muscle groups and improve physical fitness.

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