
Extremely unusual things that are considered attractive in some places


Beauty ideals are linked to our culture, which means that ideas about what is seductive are very different. We have compiled a list of extremely unusual things that are avoided in our culture, but are the beauty ideal elsewhere.

What unusual things are considered a symbol of beauty in some places?

Crooked Teeth (Japan)

In the West, we worship straight teeth aligned in an undeniably straight line. In Japan, however, the story is completely different. Crooked teeth or after theirs yaeba they are a real beauty ideal. Many girls visit a dentist who helps them put their teeth in the desired formation.

Obesity (Mauritania)

Girls must be more abundant in Mauritania.
Girls must be more abundant in Mauritania.

In Mauritania, fitness stars would have no chance of getting a man. Obesity is the queen of beauty ideals there. Many parents send their girls to special camps where they eat up to 16,000 calories a day.

Light skin (China, Thailand)

In China and Thailand fair skin is considered the true ideal of beauty.
In China and Thailand fair skin is considered the true ideal of beauty.

In China and Thailand fair skin is considered the true ideal of beauty. Many are so obsessed with it that they cover every millimeter of their body, including their face, on the beach. A slightly inconvenient beauty ideal, given the high amount of sunny days in these two countries.

Long Neck (Burma)

One of the regions in eastern Burma was called the "country of female giraffes" in the past. The name refers to the Kayan tribe, where women artificially lengthen their necks. The longer a woman's neck, the more beautiful she is said to be.

Women artificially lengthen their necks with special rings.
Women artificially lengthen their necks with special rings.

Monobrow (Tajikistan)

In certain regions of Tajikistan, a monobrow is a sign of beauty. Girls who were not gifted with this joy by nature simply draw a mono-eyebrow.


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