
This is the worst Christmas movie ever

Have you already compiled a list of movies to include in your Christmas marathon? We can only hope that the movie that earned the title of worst Christmas movie of all time didn't end up on it.

The movie Christmas Wedding Planner, which was published in 2017, many critics placed it in the 'so bad it's good' category. It can be regarded as instructive, as people should learn from watching it, what true horror looks like.

We get to know in the story Kelsey Wilson, a wedding planner who wants to plan her cousin's dream wedding. Things get complicated when a charming private investigator shows up Connor McClane, which turns Kelsey's world upside down. Connor, who soon wins the heart of the main character, must prevent the wedding on the orders of a secret source.

The movie is on your website IMDb earned an average grade 4,4. Many testify to its quality even better comments from angry people, which they strongly advise against watching the film. We have collected some of the most interesting ones for you.

Bloody tears

Bloody tears
Bloody tears

Vsiautilaite would obviously rather die than restart the movie.

Is this the worst Christmas movie ever?

Worst Christmas movie ever
Worst Christmas movie ever

Aduro-385-849835 thinks that the movie deserves the title of worst Christmas movie ever, especially because of the amazing ending. He's probably still wondering why he watched it in the first place.

Worse acting than an adult movie

Worse acting than in a pornographic movie
Worse acting than in a pornographic movie

Sbsammy2003 is of the opinion that the filmmakers cast beautiful people in the roles of actors who learned acting from their gym teacher.

New user account

New user account
New user account

Mhutchinscabibi created the IMDb user account with a mission to warn people not to watch this movie.

Medieval torture

Medieval torture
Medieval torture

User dianelefebvrevp tried his hand at writing reviews for the first time. He only did this because he wanted to warn people about how bad the movie was.



Jagallag requests you not to waste your precious time watching the movie. Instead, she recommends hugging a loved one, reading a book, watering flowers or scratching scabs.

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