
Exuberant photo manipulations by Anil Saxem

Surreal photographs by Anil Saxen from Mumbai.

Digital artist Anil Saxena, like many others before him, somehow took to Photoshop before publishing his photos. But he did not become there simply because of retouching or processing, better cut, etc., but for creating surrealistic scenes. And the following exuberant photo manipulations were created.

Anil Saxena is an old-school artist, as he learned photography skills in the darkroom, but soon transferred his knowledge to digital dark room - Photoshop. And since he is a perfectionist at heart, one cannot expect anything else from his photos, but the highest level of digital art. But because he mixed his own into everything imagination and reflected ideas, exuberant photographic manipulations were created.

READ MORE: Photo manipulation by Erik Johansson: When the impossible becomes possible

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