
Fairytale photos of an autumn-colored forest that will make even summer lovers fall in love with autumn

Autumn colored forest like from a fairy tale

October is the month of romantic and colorful walks through forests and parks, which are a balm for the soul and an experience for children. As we walk, we are surrounded by colorful treetops, littered with leaves and accompanied by the rustle under our feet. Not to mention the luxury of delicious fruits. This part of the year is also an extremely rewarding time for photographers, as nature is especially photogenic then. With Janko Sedlář's astonishing and fairy-tale photos of the autumn-colored forest, even die-hard summer lovers will fall in love with autumn.

Photos of an autumn colored forest self-taught Czech photographer Janko Sedlář, which specializes in landscape photography with a surreal tone, are so magical that you'd rather say they're fictional than real locations. But everyone fairy tale recordings were filmed in real locations, most of them in Moravia, in this historic Czech region, and in the nature reserve White Carpathians (Bilé Karpaty), also in the Czech Republic.

READ MORE: 17 places where autumn shows itself in its most beautiful form

For all of you who mourn the end of summer, a walk through the photo gallery is a must (as well as for everyone else), because while watching a show put on by nature, the easiest way to get over the end of summer. You will see that all of a sudden your hiccups will stop after the warm months.

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