
Facial care: How to get clean and glowing skin

Radiant complexion. Skin without pigment spots, impurities, wrinkles and scars. With the existence of various programs and filters, as well as excessively retouched advertisements, serials and films, we can quickly forget that no one is perfect. The fact that we want to be like the people in the ads is diligently exploited by the cosmetics industry, which promises again and again that by buying this and that product, we will really and finally get rid of all our ailments. In order to facilitate the path to the most beautiful skin in our life, we have prepared a guide that will lead to visible results in a minute, an hour, a day, a week and a month.

How to get beautiful skin in just one minute

Although we can only affect the appearance of our skin superficially in one minute, sometimes it comes in handy. They exist tricks, which quickly and effectively improve our appearance. If we only have one minute at our disposal, it's still enough to complete the two most important steps on the way to beautiful skin. They are fundamental care for clean and radiant skin thorough cleaning and application of a protective factor. Using a cleanser suitable for our skin type will go a long way. Let's not choose products based on the appearance of the packaging and let's not be tempted by the wonderful smell. When choosing, let's focus on the listed contents. It will clean our face even more thoroughly in one minute rotating facial cleansing brush, which, in addition to make-up, dirt and oils, will also gently remove dead skin cells from our face, which are one of the most common causes of impurities.

If instead of a rotating brush we still prefer to reach for peeling, it should not contain sharp particles of bones, which are not gentle enough for the sensitive skin of our face. If we have otherwise perfectly satisfactory skin and we are only disturbed by some indecency here and there, it will disappear the fastest if we press an ice cube on it for one full minute. This will alleviate inflammation, reduce swelling and banish redness.

Staying up at night, excessive intake of salt, caffeine and alcohol are, in addition to improper care, the main culprits for the bad appearance of our skin. They especially affect the appearance of our eyes, which quickly turn red with their help, and the dark circles become particularly noticeable and puffy. A very special trick will solve the unpleasant and unattractive swelling in just one minute. Always have the mixture ready in the fridge chilled green tea and honey and frozen in the freezer something slices of fresh cucumber. A cooled spoon that is gently pressed to the eye is also wonderful. Bloated appearance and unpleasant redness will suddenly be a thing of the past! A steam bath for the face and décolleté is also one of the simple and quick solutions that leave a remarkable change on our skin. One minute will be enough. After a steam bath, the skin is not only completely clean, but also pleasantly moisturized. In addition, steam helps with better circulation and gives our skin a healthy look.

If we have an hour to spare, let's read on...

If we are willing to invest an hour in improving the appearance of our skin, we have at our disposal quite a few simple procedures that will make our skin (even) more beautiful. Let's spend an hour in the gym, go for a walk... whatever recreation will revive the tone of our skin and circulation and help to detoxification of the body. It will supply the body with even more important oxygen, which is responsible for the fact that our skin literally glows with health after exercise. Don't forget to clean your face before and after exercise, as the skin is cleansed by sweating, and make-up and heavy creams are more of a hindrance than a help.

Let's relax a bit and cook a cup of fragrant green tea, which is full of antioxidants. They have a positive effect on the elasticity of our skin, prevent premature skin aging and even reduce the possibility of cancer. Definitely three great reasons to order a cup of aromatic tea instead of coffee next time, right?

Let's prepare a face mask from homemade ingredients that will clean, nourish and refresh our skin.
Let's prepare a face mask from homemade ingredients that will clean, nourish and refresh our skin.

In an hour, we can prepare even an exceptional one homemade face mask, which can certainly compete with those we receive in professional salons. Even a face mask that we prepare ourselves cleans, nourishes and refreshes our skin. If we smell a fruit mask, we reach for lemon, banana, apple, avocado, grapefruit, pineapple, orange or melon. Oatmeal or yogurt is added to the mashed fruit, which will thicken the mask and make it easier to apply. If we don't have fruit at home, we can choose from vegetables. Cucumber, potatoes, cabbage, carrots or tomatoes will refresh our skin. For easier application, add sweet cream or stiffly whipped egg white. For especially shiny and nourished skin, use yeast and honey to which we add some warm water. The mask will harden on the face, so after about twenty minutes, gently remove it with warm water and a cotton ball.

We can also provide complete care in one hour our hands, which are often dried out, especially in winter. Lubricate your hands generously with hydrating cream for the hands and put them on cotton gloves, which will optimize the absorption of the cream into the skin. After an hour, our hands will be silky soft.

In twenty-four hours...

The fact that Rome wasn't built in a day doesn't mean that we can't improve the appearance of our skin in twenty-four hours... The most common mistake people who have any skin problems make is to forget about adequate hydration. Only well-moisturized skin is satisfied skin. Ways to moisturizing but there is quite a bit. We can avoid excessive make-up, we can drink healthy ones "eight glasses of water a day" and finally we find a suitable moisturizing treatment for our skin type. Excessive drinking of water will not bring additional results, but it is important to drink enough of it, as this is the only way to avoid unhealthy-looking skin and successfully eliminate excess toxins from the body.

Let's enjoy a little relaxation and brew a cup of fragrant green tea, full of antioxidants that have a positive effect on the appearance of our skin.
Let's enjoy a little relaxation and brew a cup of fragrant green tea, full of antioxidants that have a positive effect on the appearance of our skin.

Stress, hormonal changes, food, improper care...every now and then, the number one enemy of beautiful skin can easily appear on our face - a pimple. We don't have to eliminate it in one day, but fortunately there are products that can calm the inflammation and soften the menacing appearance. In addition to the already mentioned ice cubes, will alleviate the inflammation also in lemon juice soaked cotton ball, a pack of homemade honey and even crushed aspirin, which contains salicylic acid, which successfully reduces swelling and soothes redness. For some, such means help in just one day. Insofar as we struggle with impurities every day, it is therefore wise to think of high-quality cleaning and care products.

Let's relax, because stress is one of the worst enemies of beautiful skin.
Let's relax, because stress is one of the worst enemies of beautiful skin.

We will notice an obvious difference even after a good night's sleep. Therefore, before we close our eyes, let's make sure that nothing will disturb us during sleep. Let's close the curtains, turn off the mobile devices and drink a cup of soothing tea. Continuous eight hours of sleep at night are necessary for our body and skin to optimally rest, recover and heal. Cortisol is a hormone that is released into our body when we are under stress. Experts associate it with the formation of many annoying skin diseases and pimples. In the early morning hours, when we are still asleep, there is the least amount of it in our body. Lack of sleep and disturbed sleep therefore affect the unnecessary formation of cortisol in our body, which affects premature aging of our skin and body. While you sleep, we can also take care of moisturizing your face. Choose a hydrating mask that will remove dead skin cells while you sleep and refresh your complexion.

We can do a lot in a week, even more after a month

In seven days, we can really do a lot for our skin and health in general.
For face care, choose a cream with retinol, a fantastic antioxidant, which overnight repairs damage that occurs on our skin during the day. We will notice visible results in just one week, and in twenty-eight (as much as the skin needs for its own renewal), the change will definitely be obvious. The cream with added retinol, which is a derivative of vitamin A, helps to clean pores, "erases" pigmentation, reduces the visibility of small wrinkles and noticeably smoothes the skin.

Sufficient hydration and proper nutrition are also important for the care of the whole body.
Sufficient hydration and proper nutrition are also important for the care of the whole body.


If we decide to take care of our skin in the long term and above all from the inside, we should change our diet accordingly. Let's avoid food with a high glycemic index and intervene above all after fruits and vegetables. Forest fruits they are especially kind to our skin, as they also contain the necessary ingredients antioxidants, which accelerate healing and prevent the aging of our cells. If we are fighting acne, we remove dairy products from our diet for one month, especially cow's milk, which stimulates the sweat glands to produce sebum. This will successfully soothe your irritated skin. Let's be persistent, because noticeable results are visible only after a few weeks. If there is no way we can give up dairy products, there is another option. Cleanse the body from the inside and give up alcohol, caffeine, yeast, sugar and gluten for one month. Let's eat as naturally as possible, make sure that the majority of our diet is occupied by proteins and green vegetables, and our skin will shine.

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