
Face masks not helping you? Then you're probably making these 6 mistakes!

Photo: Shiny Diamond / Pexels

Face masks are a great way to keep your skin soft, smooth and healthy. But do you find that they don't help your skin at all, or is it even drier and full of pimples after use? If so, it might mean you're making one of the top 6 mistakes.

1. Don't clean your skin

Before using a face mask, you need to make sure that your skin is clean. Be careful to remove everything from it leftover make-up. Do this with a special liquid or moisturizing wipes, which are created for exactly this purpose. Water alone will not remove all make-up. It should also not be on the skin before applying the mask sun creams or facial oils – it creates that an obstacle between your face and the mask, so it will be less effective.

Cleanse your skin well before applying the mask Photo: Sora Shimazaki / Pexels

2. Leave the mask on your face longer than you should

If you buy a mask in a store, it will always say, how long you have to leave it on your face, but if you make it yourself, you will definitely find this information in the recipe. Do your best to ga you take into account and it is not forget to remove or fall asleep with it on your skin by mistake. Usually the time moves between 10 and 30 minutes, but there are also masks that you should not leave on your face for longer than 5 minutes.
Usually you won't do much harm even if the mask is left on your face for too long, but it is possible that certain moisturizing masks will work in this way counterproductive and out of your skin removed the moisture, which, especially if you struggle with dry skin, is not the most pleasant. It's also a sign that you've waited too long sensitive, irritated and reddish skin.

3. Do not moisturize the skin after use

Your skin care shouldn't end when you remove the mask from your face. Also, if you used a moisturizing mask, you should maintain humidity by applying to your face moisturizing cream with ingredients such as oil or waxes.
Hydration is even more important after you use it peeling. With it you will prevent dryness and irritability skin.

After using the mask, moisturize the skin with a cream or oil Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

4. You use masks that do not suit your skin type

Before buying or making a mask, find out what it is like purpose these masks and for what skin type is recommended. If your skin dry, we recommend moisturizing masks, if greasy and masks whose purpose is clean the pores. When dealing with acne and irregularities, many recommend opting for skin peeling.
If you notice that your skin is more sensitive, avoid aggressive masks, as they can lead to irritated skin and peeling.

5. You are allergic to the ingredients of the mask

If you are inclined to allergies, we recommend that you use masks from natural ingredients do it yourself, or to be on chemical components bought masks very carefully.
We suggest that you before use you apply a little mask on the upper part of the palm or wrist and wait approx one day. This way you will see if your body has accepted the mask and avoid it allergic reactions and contact dermatitis.

If you are prone to allergies, choose natural ingredients Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

6. Do not change your mask depending on the season

Weather it has a very big impact on our skin - if it is exposed sushi and vapors, will react differently than if it is in contact with cold. Experts in the summer therefore they recommend above all moisturizing masks, in winter and masks that contain charcoal or glycolic acid.

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