
Facebook announced the new Paper app

The new Paper app brings a new way to follow stories.

After the recent promise of the first man of the most popular social media Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, to plan more independent applications this year, they announced the arrival of the first one yesterday. Paper thus brings a new way of reading news stories on the go.

The application Paper it is said to have been developed for several years by a team of 15 creators working under the initiative Facebook Creative Labs. It will only be available for iOS devices and will contain 19 different sections, including sports, pop culture, technological innovations and entertainment. The latter is mostly provided by a summary of news from the world of our Facebook friends ("news feed"), graphically perfectly adapted for reading on smartphones. The emphasis is on storytelling through predominantly pictorial material, which brings Facebook, which some predict will be in decline by 2017, slightly closer to competitor Instagram. The characteristic horizontal scrolling through the contents, which can be zoomed in and out, thus enticingly invites you to experience moments of life more intensively.

Users will be able to subscribe to the desired content, but for now it will not be possible to personalize it, which means that all subscribers will see the same sequence and schedule of news. In addition, with the preview option, they will also be able to share posts themselves, which will be visible both among the contents of the application and on their Facebook profiles. Unlike other Facebook apps, however, Paper will work completely without the support of advertisers, at least initially.

In addition to visually rich content, a "reshare" button will also be available, with the help of which users will be able to share the post in an instant with a simple touch of the arrow button.
In addition to visually rich content, a "reshare" button will also be available, with the help of which users will be able to share the post in an instant with a simple touch of the arrow button.

The king of social networks thus once again thoughtfully aims for the future. By taking some of the most popular and at the same time most effective elements of other social media and highlighting its best strengths, it creates a new place for following and telling stories. Paper is expected to be available in the Apple App Store on February 3.

Introducing Paper from Facebook he Vimeo.

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