
Facebook Dating Slovenia: finally available here too, has Tinder got competition?

Slovenia finally got Facebook Dating, a rival to dating apps like Tinder! We've been waiting for the feature for more than eight months, as it should have been launched by Valentine's Day.

Facebook Dating Slovenia it offers the same features that the social network offers in the US. So you can search for potential partners using the existing profile you have created on Facebook. Facebook adjusts matches between you and others according to your preferences, activity in Facebook and, if you choose to do so, according to your groups and events. As the main advantage over other applications of this type, Facebook highlights individual sharing real images and real personalities.

Facebook Dating Slovenia

The service, which appears as a card in the mobile application (you can get to it by clicking on the three lines at the top right), is deeply integrated with the rest of the social giant's products: your profile thus pulls stories and photos from Instagram, through chats and you will be able to go on a virtual video date, where you can get to know the person even better.

The application will not show individuals as potential partners people with whom they are already connected via Facebook or Instagram, but it will therefore come in handy here Secret Crush feature. With this feature, you will be able to select up to nine people from your friends who are potentially of interest to you. If this person also classifies you on the list of secret crushes, there will be matches. If the person you choose doesn't use the app, doesn't create a Secret Crush list, and doesn't put you on their list, then they'll never know you like them either.

Secret crush feature

Facebook also has many privacy features and data sharing settings. You will be able to report and block any user and also prevent them from sending photos, links or videos in messages.

Facebook Dating is available in more than 50 countries as of today, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia , Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Facebook Dating Slovenia is available from today!

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