
Facebook Upgrade: Our Profile Photo Will Become Our Profile Video!

Facebook will get a major visual upgrade. What used to be a profile picture can soon be a video! It is a short video that will be played to anyone who chooses to visit our profile.

Facebook recently announced their major upgrade - along with upgrading some mobile-friendly features, they've decided to make our they change their profile photo to a video. A short video will thus be played to everyone who visits our profile, and the new feature will allow us to show another side of ourselves and with a thumbnail let's play in a way that photography alone did not allow us to do.
The upgrade is coming slowly, and we won't all get it at the same time. It will be available to users next iPhone, and Android users will have to wait a little longer.

READ MORE: Mark Zuckerberg takes us on a virtual tour of the new Facebook premises

And if you're one of the lucky few who will get the upgrade a little earlier than the rest, here they are instructions on how to change a display photo to a display video on iPhone.
1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
2. We press the button "More" in the lower right corner of the screen.
3. The first thing that appears on the list should be our name. We click on it and go to our profile.
4. We click on our display photo.
5. An option should appear in the menu "Make a new profile video" or we will be able to trace that the function “Coming Soon”. If we already have the option of a video, we can record it without worry and thus greet everyone who visits our profile.

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