
"Fail" compilation from school desks that will make you laugh to tears

Fail compilation from school desks

School can be fun too! Especially if you are (were) ever ready to say something stupid. From the school premises comes a fail compilation, which will motivate those of you who are already counting down the days until the school holidays to hold out for these few more weeks, while for everyone else, during the viewing, the memory will slip back to the time when you used to peel the school desks and were once witness or actor of similar nonsense or slip-ups that you would prefer to erase from your memory.

An accident too in school never rests. Have you ever had a time when you were peeling school desks? embarrassed in front of classmates or the entire school or experienced a moment when you would rather sink into the ground in shame? Actors these fail compilations from school desks they definitely are. Some just asked for it, while others were stuck with bad luck. But what for some is an accident or slip up, it's for others a source of laughter.

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Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
Have you ever fallen asleep during class?

It's not nice to make fun of others' misfortune, because it's already waiting for us around the corner, but as long as no one is seriously injured due to bad luck, a little laugh at someone else's expense doesn't hurt, right?

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