
Men who are much worse drivers than women

You've probably heard men complain about how bad drivers women are. Why? Because they manage to put on mascara while driving? Maybe because they don't have such a heavy foot when it comes to acceleration? Or is it just male ego and concealment of the fact that it is often not the easiest for them on the road? Just look at these men who are undoubtedly much, much worse drivers than women.

The man who managed to crash 2.5 meters off the ground.

A man who managed to make an accident 2.5 meters off the ground.
The man who managed to crash 2.5 meters off the ground.

Police stopped an apparently drunk man in Connecticut, but he drove away. As police tried to catch him, he veered off the road, went airborne and crashed into a building. Of course he jumped out of the car and ran away. The police later tracked him down at the hospital.

A man who worked for former US President Barack Obama.

Even the driver of this beast, the American president's car, got 'stuck' somewhere. A Secret Service representative said no one was injured. Well, we disagree. The driver's ego is definitely hurt.

A young man who trusted GPS too much.

A young man who trusted GPS too much.
A young man who trusted GPS too much.

The man simply blindly trusted the GPS instructions and turned in the wrong direction. As a result, as many as four cars collided. He also explained to the police that the GPS was to blame. Do you think he was punished?

The man who had to be lifted from the goat path by helicopter.

The man who had to be lifted from the goat path by helicopter.
The man who had to be lifted from the goat path by helicopter.

37-year-old Robert Ziegler had no reason not to trust his navigation device, which led him down the goat path. Of course, he didn't think that it wasn't the right way until it was too late or until the GPS warned him to turn around. Since this was no longer possible, they had to call a helicopter for help, which lifted the van off the goat path and took it to safety.

The man who let his car get away...and his job.

In 2014, a security camera caught a FedEx delivery man running away from his delivery truck. The driver probably never forgot to tighten the hand grip again.

The Man Who Couldn't Find New Jersey, USA.

The Man Who Couldn't Find New Jersey, USA.
The Man Who Couldn't Find New Jersey, USA.

The man was caught as he cautiously drove up the stairs. He confided to a passer-by that he was looking for a hotel in New Jersey, and the GPS led him here. Both the shame and the stairs forced the man to call a towing service. If he ever found New Jersey, we don't know.

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A man, he became a victim of a 'too low' bridge.

The Canopener Bridge is another one of those bridges where drivers have to be careful about vehicle height. This truck driver obviously wouldn't pay attention to that. There are enough notices about the appropriate height of vehicles in front of the bridge, but it seems that there are still people who do not follow them.

The man who literally used his hands to park.

Side parking is not the easiest, we all know that. Some do it masterfully, while others fail even after years and years of practice. This man is obviously one of those who 'skipped' a few lessons at the driving school, because his side parking makes no sense. Two passers-by had a good laugh and then decided to help by lifting the car and moving it into a parking spot.

The gentleman who ran over his brother.

Good or bad driving habits begin to develop in childhood. This young man also tried this, except that he did not think that he would run over his older brother, who was unsuspectingly playing on the grass.

A man who decided to have dinner with his neighbors.

A man who decided to have dinner with his neighbors.
A man who decided to have dinner with his neighbors.

Robert Wynn was on his way to dinner with his wife when he landed on a neighbor's roof. The 80-year-old neighbor was at home at the time of the accident and fortunately was not injured. Robert had to take his driving test again.

The Man Who Saw Something.

When Andy Lee House drove his Bugatti Veyron into the lagoon in 2009, he claimed he was confused by a pelican and landed in the water. He never thought that someone would film the accident and upload it to YouTube. As you can see, there are no pelicans anywhere. Andy Lee House apparently wasn't just such a bad driver, he was just a 'crook'. He tried to commit insurance fraud and sink his million-euro car.

A man taking his semi-truck for a walk.

A man taking his semi-truck for a walk.
A man taking his semi-truck for a walk.

An Englishman had quite a laugh when he tried to get his Toyota through a narrow footpath, because someone even assured him that it would be possible. There were notices in front of the footpath that cars were not allowed on it, but this did not stop the driver. He put on a real spectacle for passers-by. When he saw that it would not go any further, he climbed out of the window, grabbed the bike and ran away... to the pub.

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