
Rodin exhibition in Meštrović's Zagreb

The exhibition "Rodin in Meštrović's Zagreb" opens today, May 5, in the Zagreb Art Pavilion. The exhibition will present seventy works by the famous sculptor Auguste Rodin, including his most famous works such as "The Thinker", "The Kiss", "The Gates of Hell" and "The Bronze Age".

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Art Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia
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The exhibition is one of the cultural events within the framework Festival of French culture in Croatia 2015, which takes place under the title "Rendez-vous". Apart from the Art Pavilion in Zagreb, we will also be able to see the works of Auguste Rodin in Split, where a smaller but still important exhibition will be on display on May 8 "Rodin's meditation in Split", where Rodin's sculpture will be presented "Meditation - inner voice".
Exhibition "Rodin in Meštrovič's Zagreb" is designed specifically for Art pavilion in Zagreb, and will cover approx seventy parts and emphasized the fruitful and intensive cooperation between Meštrović and Rodin, their friendship and mutual respect. In addition to works created in bronze, plaster and stone and twenty drawings, historical photographs, including artistic photographs, will be presented of Euguene Druet, who captured Meštrović's works in Paris.

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In the gallery you can see the works of Auguste Rodin.

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