
Familylab - "family laboratory"

The project of the "family laboratory" Familylab was designed by the renowned Danish family therapist and writer Jesper Juul based on forty years of experience in family therapy and counseling. How to create a good family atmosphere and quality relationships in the family, between children and adults and...

The "family laboratory" project Familylab was designed by the renowned Danish family therapist and writer Jesper Juul based on forty years of experience in family therapy and counseling.


How to create a good family atmosphere and quality relationships in the family, between children and adults, and how to turn your loving feelings into loving behavior? We can be helped by the organization Familylab Slovenia, the Slovenian branch of the parent organization Familylab International, which offers families support, advice and assistance in developing parental competence. Familylab is a meeting place for partners, parents and also experts. It is a "laboratory" where a modern family is formed. At Familylab, it is not about a new method of upbringing or a set of advice on what is best for our children, but rather they focus on the quality of life in the family, on the quality of life as experienced by parents and children, and above all on the quality of relationships between family members. Familylab offers well-tested principles and values that can be used to guide family life. At Familylab, they believe that they can offer advice and inspiration to parents by helping them realize who they are and what they want in relation to their family and the conflicts they face. They are convinced that education is "learning through trial" until we find our own way. Children don't need perfect parents who don't allow themselves to doubt, but genuine, flesh-and-blood parents who don't know everything, but are always ready to evolve. The founder of Familylab, family therapist and writer Jesper Juul, called the organization a "family laboratory" where parents can search, discover and experiment with their own view of family development. For every family, it is true that love alone is not enough for the good and personal growth of family members. We have to learn how to turn our loving feelings into a loving relationship, and we can only learn this from and with others. For this purpose, Familylab experts organize seminars for parents, professional training for teachers and other professionals, public lectures, groups for parents, workshops for young people and many other events.


Familylab, Institute for the Modern Family Manami, Koblarjeva 34, Ljubljana


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