
Famous actors auditioning for roles they didn't get

Hollywood seems to be the epicenter of cruelty. Auditions for various films and series are a difficult process, and with or without the actors' knowledge, their futile attempt can be posted online. Here are famous actors' failed auditions for roles they never got.

Jumanji (1995) – Scarlett Johansson

When? 1995
Who got the role? Kirsten Dunst

Scarlett gained worldwide attention with the film Lost In Translation (2003), but she has been building her acting career since childhood. She played Sean Connery's daughter in Just Cause (1995) and a femme fatale in The Man Who Wasn't There (2001). Even before that, she lost the chance to star opposite Robin Williams in Jumanji. And we may know why…

Rebel Without A Cause (1955) – Marlon Brando

When? 1947
Who got the role? James Dean

Although it looks like Brando is auditioning for a fifties classic, things are not what they seem. In the late forties, the Warner distribution company tried to start production of the film. Brando was used for the general test. Another eight years passed before the release of the film.

Mamma Mia! (2008) – Chris Klein

When? 2008
Who got the role? Dominic Cooper

This recording has gained legendary status. American Pie star Chris Klein has been in the running for one of the lead roles in the hit Mamma Mia! and gave this stunning performance: from the bizarre love for Mandy Moore to the terrifying look in his eyes. Good thing Klein has a sense of humor.

Get Smart (2008) - Jessica Alba

When? 2008
Who got the role? Anne Hathaway

After her role in the hit film Fantastic Four (Fantastic Four, 2005), Jessica Alba wanted to prove that she also has a sense for comedy. After a failed audition for a comedy with Steve Carrell, she got a role in the short film The Love Guru (2008).

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Hones and the hunt for lost treasure, 1981) - Tom Selleck

Who got the role? Harrison Ford

Tom Selleck was actually offered the role of Indiana Jones after a convincing audition, but had to turn it down. The reason was the shooting of the first episode of Magnum PI, which was scheduled for March 1980. The shooting of the crime series was then postponed to December, and Selleck thus missed a great opportunity.

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Star Wars (1977) – Kurt Russell

When? 1976
Who got the role? Harrison Ford

Kurt Russell tried to escape his Disney persona, and his thrilling audition would no doubt provide an interesting twist for the Han Solo persona. But Ford's carpentry work in the Lucas home helped Ford get a role first in the comedy drama American Graffiti (1973) and then in the Star Wars trilogies.

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) - Josh Hutcherson

When? 2010
Who got the role? Andrew Garfield

In 2010, Josh Hutcherson was one of the few who was suitable for the role of Spider-Man. And judging by the video, he managed to get pretty far. While this role did not favor him, the opportunity came soon after in the film trilogy The Hunger Games (2012).

Backdraft (1991) – Brad Pitt

When? 1991
Who got the role? William Baldwin

The film Backfire, which today is regarded as 'one of De Niro's less terrible films', is known for two things. It was the most commercially successful firefighter movie to date, and in pre-production the role was intended for much hotter guys. Robert Downey Jr. came to the audition. as well as Brad Pitt, but both lost to William Baldwin. Baldwin was supposed to play JD in Thelma & Louise (1991), but chose this film instead.

The Godfather (Boter, 1972) – Robert De Niro

Who got the role? James Caan

The then-almost unknown Robert De Niro actually auditioned for several roles in The Godfather, along with 'failed' co-stars Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman. In this clip, he is in the running for the role of Sonny, even though he was cast as Paulie. In order to get Al Pacino, Coppola made a contract with the crew of The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (1971), where he then 'sent' De Niro.

Titanic (Titanik, 1997) – Jeremy Sisto

Who got the role? Leonardo DiCaprio

While Kate Winslet tried hard to get the role of Rose, she also made sure that Cameron chose DiCaprio, among other things. It was worse for Jeremy Sisto. After starring in the movie Clueless (1995), the young actor presented a perfectly decent, more 'macho' version of Jack at the audition. He failed to make it here, but went on to appear in the series Six Feet Under (2001–2005) and Suburgatory (Vice in the City, 2011–2014).

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