
The jury members of the "Inspired by You" competition are known

Samsung x LJFW

The "Inspired by You" contest is in full swing and it's good to meet the jury members as well. Art and creative director Bojana Fajmut, illustrator and designer Alja Horvat and stylist and costume designer Nina Jagodic will judge the originality of your ideas and creative excesses.

After disclosure rules and details of the "Inspired By You" contest and specifications of the mobile phone and all its features it's time to meet the members of the jury who will decide the winner of the contest organized by the LJFW team and the Samsung company. All three jurors are top connoisseurs of design and fashion.

Bojana Fajmut

Photo: Ciril Jazbec

Bojana Fajmut she completed her studies in industrial design. She worked in agencies as an art and creative director Dentsu (Tokyo, Japan), McCann Erickson, J.Walter Thompson, and as an independent entrepreneur, she upgraded her knowledge with an MBA business school. She received for her works more than 58 international awards globally: Cresta, NYF, CLIO, LIA, Red Dot, EPICA, ARC, Golden Drum and others. Her works have been published in media such as New York Times, Graphis, Creative Advertising, ADweek... She was a member of expert juries both in New York - NYF ADVERTISING AWARDS and Cresta Awards, MAD STAR and NEW STAR in East Asia, at the presentation of the upcoming WORLD EXPO 2030 BUSAN, as well as at the Golden Drum and the Slovenian Advertising Festival SOF.
In the last five years, she has collaborated with the world IDEO companies, which is a leader in the field of strategic thinking called Human Centered Innovation and the Design Thinking process (creating an idea, finding a business model, methods of developing start-up companies and products). As a mentor, she participates in a European project CIRCULAR 04, which accelerates the transition of companies to the circular economy.

Alja Horvat

Alja Horvat is a 25-year-old illustrator and designer from Maribor and also a recipient of the award Elle Style Awards 2019 in the 'Young talent' category and a prize-winner of the list Forbes '30 under 30′ in the Art & Culture category.
So far, she has collaborated with companies such as Barcaffe, Jeruzalem Ormož, Disney, Renault, Vichy, Urban Outfitters, ban.do, Anthropologie... Her goal is to evoke nostalgia with her designs and thus combine her love for the 60s and 70s of the last century and pattern design.

Nina Jagodic

Photo: Špela Pipan

Nina Jagodic is a renowned costume designer and stylist who works in Slovenia and abroad. In addition to independent projects with various clients, for 15 years he has been devoting a lot of time to work on Radiotelevision Slovenia. She was too editor of Modna magazine, and in recent years he has been paying most attention to the platform LJFW, where he is the head of the program and manages the behind-the-scenes of the magazines. In collaboration with designers, he manages magazines from idea to final execution.

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