A very elegant, simple and effective method to lose inches in the waist - you don't have to do anything, just lie on a towel that you have folded into a roll. This is the method of the Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji, a specialist in acupuncture, reflexology and shiatsu massage.
dr. Fukutsuji he is said to have discovered that the main cause of fatty deposits on the waist is misalignment of the pelvic bone. After a series of experiments, he was supposed to confirm the truth of his hypothesis and designed an exercise to prevent back pain and lose inches.
The essence of his method is that lie on a towel folded into a roll for a few minutes three times a day. The result should be the loss of extra centimeters in the waist.
How is the towel exercise performed?
1. Make a towel roll. To keep it in a roll, tie it with a ribbon.
2. Sit on a firm and flat surface (not a bed!), preferably on the floor.
3. The position of the towel should be just below the navel. Check - make a line with your index finger from the navel to the towel on both sides. The rolled towel should be slightly wider than the width of the back.
4. Relax. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend them so that your toes touch.
5. Stretch your arms above your head. Turn your palms down, the little fingers should touch.
Quite an awkward pose to be honest. If it's hard for you to stretch your arms the first time, don't worry, stretch as much as you can. It is important that the little fingers and big toes touch. That's it! You should lie down in this position five minutes. You can repeat the exercise three times a day, but it may take no more than five minutes the first time.
It's not difficult, but it can be a little uncomfortable at first. In principle, the exercise should not hurt you, unless you have lower back problems, in which case the exercise should be consult your doctor. If the required five minutes is too much for you to tolerate, start with a minute or two and increase each day until you reach five minutes.
Don't miss a single day for a good result! Basically, it's a kind of stretching. If you move the towels under the breasts, you will be able to take care of the pectoral muscles. If you put it on the part under the ribs, you are doing exercises for the waist.
Even in those five minutes of lying in this position, the bones and joints are moving. That's why after every exercise stand up very slowly. First turn to the side, then sit down, and only then stand up. Avoid sudden movements. If you have any problems with your spine or back, ask your doctor or orthopedist if you can do it.
Even if you don't believe in this method, it costs you nothing to try it. We recommend that you measure your inches before the first exercise and after a few exercises, and you may be waiting a pleasant surprise! The exercise can also improve your posture, your whole body has a nice, healthy feeling, and back pain can stop.