
Fashion step

Parents, we want children to wear healthy and comfortable shoes. In the new collection for the coming fall, Ciciban has produced many models that will surely satisfy both children and their parents. This fall, the "bullers" are back again, the distinguishing feature of which are stronger soles, ...

Parents, we want children to wear healthy and comfortable shoes. In the new collection for the coming fall, Ciciban has produced many models that will surely satisfy both children and their parents. This autumn, the "bulers" are back again, the distinguishing feature of which are stronger soles, simple lines, unobtrusive decorative seams and hidden inscriptions. There are many imitations of the classic sneaker with a combination of velor and smooth leather in fashionable colors such as purple, chocolate brown and denim color. The beautiful and simple lines of the footwear are taken from the street fashion of the London streets or imitate the British pop and punk culture. Materials with a metallic effect, metallic accessories, contrasting seams and graphite applications are still in play. This autumn's fashion hit is certainly coarse woolen knitting, which nicely complements this year's models. In girls' fashion, there is still a lot of lacquer, gold and silver appliqués, crystals and floral patterns, which this year are simpler and imitate icy flowers. There is also leather with fashionable prints of velvet, tartan and camouflaged patterns. The autumn color palette ranges from classic blue and brown to very fashionable graphite gray and dark purple.




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