
Comparison of fast food portion sizes around the world

Differences in portion sizes around the world

Did you know that McDonald's doesn't serve the same size portions of fries around the world? For example, a medium-sized Japanese fry has 454 calories, while a British one has "only" 337. The same applies to other fast food chains, such as KFC and Subway, where the same portions vary considerably. The same KFC hamburger in Canada is, for example, 35 grams heavier than its Australian "twin brother", and it also has 122 more calories. Check out other interesting comparisons of fast food portion sizes around the world.

Despite belief to the contrary, the United States does not serve the largest portions of fast food, which is largely to blame for increase in obesity and has already reached epidemic proportions in children, even otherwise it is becoming a dominant health problem in industrialized countries.

Portion sizes vary around the world.
Portion sizes vary around the world.

Comparison of fast food portion sizes around the world shows that they "win" in terms of the size of the hamburgers and the number of calories Germans and Canadians, in the fries category The Japanese (well, that's a surprise!), and the biggest and most caloric sandwiches are served by Subway in Hong Kong.

READ MORE: How portion sizes at McDonald's have changed over time

Below you can see interesting infographic, which reveals the different sizes of what are nominally the same fast food portions around the world.

Comparison of fast food portion sizes around the world:

Medium French fries in the US and Japan mean the same thing only on paper, but in practice they differ in size.
Medium French fries in the US and Japan mean the same thing only on paper, but in practice they differ in size.

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