
Father prepares children's snacks with a creative approach and love

Beau Coffron, better known as “Lunchbox Dad” is an enthusiastic father and San Francisco native who loves creatively designing lunches for his daughter Abby. In this way, it solves the conundrum of a colorful range of vegetables, which children absolutely do not love. Cute!

His creativity enriched his daughter's menu, even with vegetables that are quite unpopular with children.

I love You... Cute Caption Photo: lunchboxdad.com
I love You... Cute inscription
Photo: lunchboxdad.com

The project presents on its website lunchboxdad.com, where various creative artistic arrangements of the ingredients of these lunches are created. To make his daughter Abby convinced of vegetable feasts, he uses characters from fairy tales when designing his snacks Narnia, Spiderman and other popular book and children's movie characters.

Beau became real in this way internet sensation, and his website is an extremely visited creative source of ideas for all fathers who want to get closer to their children and thus expand their horizons and their imagination. Above all, Beau emphasizes that this kind of preparation is shared lunch also awesome game, through which he became very close to his own Abby.

Definitely exceptional diversifying the children's menu. You agree?!

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