
FDF 2016: 18th Documentary Film Festival

Documentary Film Festival 2016

The documentary film festival has come of age and will once again offer an overview of the best of current documentary production. In cooperation with Amnesty International, at the end of the festival, the award for the best film on the topic of human rights will be awarded, for which Censored Voices, Sonita, The Fog of Srebrenica, Children of the Transition and Lampedusa in Winter will compete, and the closing film of the festival will be a documentary with the interesting title Chuck Norris against communism.

Important information
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 €

Documentary Film Festival (FDF) celebrates its coming of age in 2016. Also 18. FDF will offer a cross-section of the best offers from around the world documentary film. In the category of competitive films, which will also be shown to the public, this year we can find a documentary Censored voices, which problematizes censorship and concealment of facts, The fog of Srebrenica, which emphasizes the importance of remembering and reminding, however Sonita, which highlights the right to freedom and expression, the documentary tackles the topic of migration Lampedusa in winter, Children of transition and "roast" the painful separation between young people into winners and losers.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Sing (2016)

Documentary Film Festival 2016
Documentary Film Festival 2016

The best documentaries they never idealized the world, but it's nice to see if they find and extract hope in problematic situations," he said in his address, among other things Simon Popek, head of the Cankarjev dom film program.

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