
Feng shui: Figures that attract love, money and luck!

Photo: Envato

Talismans and amulets have been used for centuries. Some feng shui experts point out that it is not enough to just put a figure in the home and expect a change, but it is necessary to observe the flow of energy in the entire space and improve it.

When your home is open, clean, freed from negative energy, you can use the power of figurines, which are believed to be good luck charms.

In many cultures, there are various figurines for which there is symbolism, which attract positive events into life. Place each of these figurines in specific zones in the home to increase the energy of the room and use it to attract what you want.

Each symbol brings with it a certain amount of luck and the most important thing is to place them correctly.

Feng shui in Chinese it means wind and water, and you can balance with shapes, colors and symbolic figurines the life force of chi, which is part of everything that exists.

Which lucky feng shui figures attract love, money and luck to your home?

Smiling Buddha

According to Chinese belief, the Buddha represents a mentor and helper to others. It is believed to protect the home from negative influences. Place it facing the entrance, on a table in the room where you spend most of your time.



Mandarin ducks are a symbol of love, fidelity and marriage, so you should keep them in the bedroom or southwest of the home. It is believed that a partner who is with you in this space will bring you good luck.

Three coins

As symbols of material abundance and prosperity, you can keep three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in your wallet. Coins work best if placed in the upper left corner of the room.

Attracting luck, money. Photo: AndredosArcanos / Pixabay

Three-legged frog with a coin

It must be set so that looking inward, and not towards doors or windows. She should always stand alone and the space around her should not be cluttered with other figurines. Keep it in your happy corner.


Beautiful and clean mirrors can they attract positive energy, cracked and damaged mirrors attract negative energy.

Mirrors are characterized by reflecting (and effectively multiplying) things in your home. For example, they can expand a space, but they can also multiply a pile of bills or speed up or slow down the flow of energy in your space, so they need to be placed wisely in the space.

Mirrors in the hall, for example, are welcome, but in no way should they be placed directly opposite the front door or stairs.

Also, figures such as ducks or other birds should always be in pairs, never just one or three.

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