
Ferrari 499P Modificata: a racing car without limits

Ferrari 499P

Ferrari 499p Modificata
Photo: Ferrari

The Ferrari 499P Modificata is not just a car; is a work of art that transcends the boundaries of the racing world. With its flawless design and technical perfection, this beauty is a racing car that has been freed from the constraints of FIA rules. The result? A car that combines the best of the world of racing and innovation to offer an experience that is simply unmatched.

Ferrari 499P Modified is a modified version of a non-competition racing car. This makes it possible Ferrari, to customize the cars in ways not permitted by the Le Mans rules. For example, the electric motor on the front axle can now operate at lower speeds, not just above the regulatory 190 kilometers per hour (118 mph) FIA. This setup means drivers can take advantage of the four-wheel drive system more often. Like the Porsche 919 Evo, the 499P Modificata is a track-only version without the restrictions dictated by Le Mans rules, making it an unrestricted version of the Le Mans winner.

Ferrari he also added the "Push to Pass" system. At the push of a button behind the steering wheel, an additional 161 horsepower (120 kW) is released for 7.0 seconds, until the driver uses full throttle. This increases the powertrain's maximum output to 858 horsepower (640 kW) for a short time, instead of the usual 697 horsepower (520 kW).​​

Photo: Ferrari

With its 120-degree V6 engine and electric motor, the Ferrari 499P Modificata offers a total output of 697 horsepower. The V6 engine sits mid-rear, while the electric motor is a derivative of Ferrari's Formula One program. The design allows electrical energy to be harvested during braking and stored in the battery, which then provides additional power to the car's front axle when needed.

Ferrari 499P Modified
Photo: Ferrari
Photo: Ferrari

In addition to its technical innovations, the Ferrari 499P Modificata also offers a series of aerodynamic improvements. The car's shape has been refined using the simple, sinuous shapes that characterize Ferrari's DNA. This includes large gaps in the wheel arches, which reduce pressure inside the wheel housings and, together with the headlight heads, add character and expression to the front of the car.​​

The Ferrari 499P Modificata is more than just the next in a line of prestigious Ferrari cars. It is a symbol of technical excellence and innovative vision that transcends the traditional boundaries of the racing world. With its stunning design and power beyond normal racing specification, the Ferrari 499P Modificata offers an exhilarating experience that is simply unparalleled.

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