
Figment VR - a pocket-sized device for virtual reality

Virtual reality allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the world of digital experiences that we would otherwise never (at least in principle) experience. Although virtual reality is super “cool”, unfortunately it is not as accessible as it should be. Figment VR is a great device to have on hand at all times. It uses an iPhone to display virtual reality and thus allows users to watch movies, concerts, explore amazing destinations, play games and more in virtual reality.

Basic information
Figment VR
The price
52 €

Figment VR is designed to secure our iPhone, keep slim profile and at the same time leaves open all function keys, inputs and phone camera for quick and easy access.

The Figmet VR case and device is pocket size, so we can carry it around without worry and actually bring it with us everywhere we go. Figment VR works with almost all VR applications on iPhone 6, to the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6s Plus.

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Figment VR - a pocket-sized device for virtual reality.
Figment VR - a pocket-sized device for virtual reality.

Although it only weighs two grams, Figment is durable and long-lasting. It is made of polycarbonate plastic, coated with silicone rubber for additional protection, the frame of the glasses is made of high-quality anodized aluminum, and the lenses are scratch resistant.

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