
Filip Flisar Jetpack 2.0: when Flisar is in a hurry for his mother's lunch...

Filip Flisar on rocket propulsion

What does Filip Flisar do when he is late for his mother's lunch? Put on your rocket backpack and ski home! Because every son knows that he must not be late for his mother's lunch. Last year, the popular freestyle skier raced around Pokljuka with a jetpack, this time he is waving it from Pohorje right through Maribor.

Has that ever happened to you? you are were late for mom's lunch? You wonder what he does Filip Flisar, when he forgets the time and his mother tells him on the phone that the roast will always be on the table? Strap on your back rocket powered backpack and skis home. Will he manage to sit down at the table before the lunch gets cold?

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Recent competition break between matches, the Maribor resident used it to hang out with friends on Pohorje and as we know time passes quickly in good company. And Filip is simple forgot the time. When lunch is almost on the table, his mother calls him and asks where the hell he is. Because roast beef he doesn't even wait for the world champion! And so Flisar has no choice but to say goodbye to the company, put on his rocket backpack and wave her off the slopes on his skis through Maribor home.

Filip Flisar roamed Maribor this time.
Filip Flisar roamed Maribor this time.

96,000 rpm, 40 kg thrust, 850 degree Celsius hot exhaust and terminal velocity 120 km/h, This is the power of rocket propulsion. Flisar is like a real local on his way home took quite a few shortcuts, and he also had to cross the intersection. He did everything to get to his doorstep on time. Did he manage to sit down at the table even before his mother put the roast out of the oven? Check! Meanwhile, Flisar is already looking towards new challenges: "I think so." there are still reserves and that I can do with a jetpack something much more polished!”

Gallery - Filip Flisar Jetpack 2.0: mission lunch:

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