
FilmMixer 2015 – independent film festival in Kranj

At the beginning of this September, the second edition of the FilmMixer film festival in the old town center of Kranj will mix the film scene with different films. Instead of Hollywood, we will watch an independent film production, instead of a stuffy hall of a multiplex, there will be a starry sky above us.

Important information
Layer House, Kranj
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free

From September 4 to 6, the To Layer's house and in other Kranj locations at the festival FilmMixer screened quality films from the latest independent productions, from fiction and documentaries, from shorts to feature-length films. The common thread of this year's festival is community bonding, and the festival will connected all generations and tastes with the help of good films.

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It will happen short film making workshop under the leadership of the local association SubArt, pa workshop for creating unique products from film strip for the kids. We will be able to attend conversations with film guests, interesting round tables about the phenomenon Kickstarter campaigns for film projects and a day dedicated to board games, and see an exhibition or two. For the end of the festival, they will add more to the mixer a portion of heavy music, to conclude the festival as it should.

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