
Women-friendly movies with a strong message you need to see this year

The #metoo movement and the new wave of feminism certainly had its own influence on the film industry as well - more and more films deal with the issue of the role of women in society and put female characters in the foreground. And which films for women deserve your attention this year?

There are plenty of great movies coming to the big and small screens that are worth watching. Among others movies for women, which have in common that they put in the foreground issues of the position of women.

Some of the movies for women are biographical, others imaginative, fairy-tale... and the message they carry, it will touch you.

Eighth Grade (2018)

The debut feature of the young director Bo Burnham is already breaking records abroad. It is an authentic teenage drama, in which the actors are almost exclusively amateurs.

The Best of Enemies (2019)

The film tells the true story of civil rights activist Ann Atwatte and her battle with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Ask Dr. Ruth (2019)

The documentary, which attracted a lot of attention at international film festivals, vividly depicts the life of Dr. Ruth Westheimer – former Holocaust camp prisoner and renowned sex therapist.

Vita and Virginia (2018)

The film depicts the famous affair between Vita Sackville-West and writer Virignia Woolf.

Where'd you go, Bernadette (2019)

Based on the novel, with Cate Blanchett in the lead role, the film promises a lot - you will learn about the struggle of a 15-year-old girl who tries to find her mother, Bernadette Fox, who disappears on a trip to Antarctica.

The film will be released for the first time this month August.

The Woman in the Window (2019)

The film, based on the book that Stephen King himself described as "unmissable", is somewhat reminiscent of the film The Girl on the Train in terms of content. Amy Adams plays a woman who is afraid to leave her apartment in New York due to severe agoraphobia. One day she sees a crime on the street, which puts her in front of important decisions.

The film will be released for the first time this month September.

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