
Finally a legitimate reason to be lazy!

Anyone who says they like to exercise is often treated with disbelief, mainly because it's so hard for us humans to move our 'last one'. A new theory based on the research of biologist Daniel Lieberman from Harvard will reassure you, the title of the research is: 'It is normal and natural to be physically lazy.' This is also the reason why we have to 'force' ourselves to exercise.

"No hunter-gatherer goes running just to run," he writes Lieberman. "They go to get food, they go to work, but everything else is foolish."
Jonathan Shaw, editor of Harvard Magazine expanded Lieberman's theory. To me, yes we humans only move enough to survive. "The ancestors of modern man lived as hunters and gatherers, and in this self-sufficiency, hunting for food was a way of life. That's why rest was key, because they're at it conserved the energy they needed to survive and reproduce. In other words, we humans were born to run… but as little as possible.”

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"It's normal and natural to be physically lazy," says Lieberman.
"It's normal and natural to be physically lazy," says Lieberman.

And what does Lieberman suggest for a successful fight against human laziness? Let's do it movement and exercise interesting, with an emphasis on the social aspect – team sports and the like, we either introduce compulsory exercise at schools or workplaces, where people feel they don't have enough time. Lieberman also adds that people who exercise more have better concentration, theirs memory is better and they focus better. So the time we spend on movement, by no means it is not lost!

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