
The ultimate flat tummy: This food is supposed to reduce bloating

The ultimate flat tummy: This food is supposed to reduce bloating

You probably also often reach for products that are tasty, but affect your body so badly, which is expressed in bloating? How to get rid of it?

Bloating is a phenomenon that many people experience, but the ways to get rid of it, they are more than simple.

This food is supposed to reduce bloating...



Although they apply Dairy Products for the biggest enemies when it comes to bloating, some experts say that eating yogurt should be recommended, as it contains little lactose and also has a probiotic effect that will be good part of your digestion and reduce bloating.

Foods rich in enzymes

food, rich in enzymes, should contribute to reducing bloating, so try to enjoy it herbs, spices, papaya, ginger, fennel, turmeric, peppermint, parsley, pineapple



Although experts recommend eating vegetables for a variety of reasons, some garden treats promote bloating. Broccoli, cabbage and cabbage they contain fiber and sugars that your body can't absorb and ferment, causing bloating. Instead of consuming them strictly, cook them, because they are supposed to be easier to digest.


Although the days are warmer and tea is currently off the list of drinks for many, it is said to contribute to reducing bloating. If you cannot drink hot tea, you can brew a preparation of mint leaves, freeze it, add ice cubes and drink it cold.

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