Today I passed by the place where we first met, and instead of shedding tears, I smiled as I remembered our first glances and touches.
It was nice until you showed your true self over time. How naive I was when I believed in us and didn't want to see who you are, who we are. Over and over I wrote new beginnings and endings in my mind. I didn't want to accept the fact that you and I would never stay together.
I thought why would anyone want to lose someone they love so passionately? Someone who would forgive him even the most difficult mistakes, and give him endless new opportunities?
I believed that we would be happy and I didn't want to lose that. I didn't want someone else, you were the other half of my heart and I believed that. I still can't believe what a crazy crush can do.
I thought I was happy and in love forever. How wrong I was. I got lost.
I believed you were the one who ran away from our story. I lived in this illusion for a while, until I realized that it was actually me - me.
When I got over you over time, I outgrew our relationship, our story. At times, I liked her, the person I was, because she was so passionate and in love. But only that, because she was also very insecure and weak. She didn't know her worth. Over time, I forgave you, because you became just a chapter in my book of life.
I've outgrown the time when I thought loving someone more than yourself was a sign of love.
Now I just smile at the past memories, I'm not that naive person anymore. The memory of you doesn't hurt anymore. You mean nothing to me. I can't let anyone cause me this much pain anymore. I've outgrown our story. I left the feelings I had for you in the past.
It was an unhealthy, childish, hot and cold, possessive love. Now I wouldn't fall in love with someone like you again.
You know what the best part about getting over someone is? To see him as he really is. Not the way you want it to be. And when you finally love yourself, you will never allow such things again.
Everything that used to make me cry now makes me laugh. I know who I am and where my limits are - I'm not deviating from that. Never again.